Laudato Si' - a call for all people to dialogue about our common home

Contenido principal del artículo

Christopher Glancy


In his encyclical Laudato Si, Pope Francis invites all of humanity into a dialogue about the care of our common home.  This article explores how Francis uses the local magisterium of Bishops’ Conferences from around the world, the historical magisterium of the teaching of earlier popes, and also the teaching of an Ecumenical Patriarch, along with his own creative thinking to present a cohesive teaching of the Church on the care of creation and of the poor.  The encyclical presents: aspects of the current crisis; principles from the Judeo-Christian tradition on environment; roots and causes of the contemporary situation; proposals for dialogue and action; and guidelines for human development based on Christian spiritual experience.  This article focuses on the common good in the creation tradition, a significant root cause in consumerism, and a way forward with Francis of Assisi through contemplation, conversion and creativity.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Glancy, C. (2016). Laudato Si’ - a call for all people to dialogue about our common home. Medellín. Biblia, Teología Y Pastoral Para América Latina Y El Caribe, 41(163), 461–476. Recuperado a partir de
Biografía del autor/a

Christopher Glancy

Clérigo de San Viator. Obispo auxiliar de Belize, Antillas. Actualmente es miembro de la comisión episcopal del CEBITEPAL


ANTILLES EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE. Caring For The Earth – Our Responsibility An Invitation To Reflection. Port-of-Spain,, 2005.

ANTILLES EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE. Declaration on Climate Change. Port-of-Spain,, 2015.

FRANCIS, Pope. Evangelii Gaudium. Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2013

FRANCIS, Pope. Laudato Si. On care for our common home. Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2015.

JOHN PAUL II, Pope. Redemptoris Missio. On the permanent validity of the Church’s missionary mandate. Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1990.